Environment Focused
A Service Design Project that unlocks the potential of PolyAl Material, to incorporate it into the Spanish Market, developed in collaboration with Tetra Pak Madrid.
Challenge: PolyAl is the Mixture of 97% Polyethylene (PE) + 3% Aluminium (AL), which remains after the Paper from Tetra Pak packages is separated and recycled. Spain alone generates around 40.000 tones of this material per year, whilst it experiences a sluggish market entrance, is under-utilised and currently no primary resource in any industry.
After creating a Stakeholder Map, engaging in Desk Research and Literature Reviews as well as conduction several Expert Interviews (inside & outside Tetra Pak) we noticed a lack of knowledge about and random application for the materials. Our group created a Framework for use inside the Tetra Pak department in Charge, which allows them to recognise the main intrudes that could apply and the main parameters they would have to consider for each of them. Our Value proposition lays in time optimisation for decision-making and research processes; a simplification, organisation and centralisation of all information to one single platform.
The framework can further be used as a 'Selling Strategy' and format to show potential Collaborators the benefits and risks of introducing PolyAl within their industry. The digital tool is designed to be intuitive and is easily scalable (by adding more industries or parameters) or transformable (by exchanging them for different priorities in various countries/times).
As a team we organised our Research, Ideation, Business Model Canvas, Service Blueprints, etc on a Miro Board. The Prototype of our framework was created on Figma and Adobe Ai.
Developed during my studies at IE University; Studio by Davide Fichera and Clara Llamas.
In collaboration with Mira Gulvady and Mariane Meshaka.

Framework/Tool to be used by Tetra Pak's employees:

Project received Design Excellence Award '24. Issued by IE School of Architecture and Design.